Backoffice, Callcenter Agent und freelancer | Assistant Deutsch
Fatih ****** (36)

Backoffice, Callcenter Agent und freelancer

Member Since November 7, 2022
Education Levels Graduation
Place of Residence Turkey
Availability Not available at the moment
Languages English Basics, German Native, Turkish Native
German NativeDiplomaVideo
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Candidate Info (German)

Hallo mein Name ist ******** , wohne seit ca 8 Jahren in der Türkei. Habe Erfahrung in Livechat und Email Bearbeitung sowie Callcenter inbound und outbound.

Candidate Info (Turkish)

Merhaba ben ******** 8 senedir Türkiye'de yaşamaktayım. Callcenter inbound ve outbound tecrübem var. Livechat ve email cevaplamada tecrübem var.

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